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Sea-Change , was filmed on Spurn lighthouse near Hull. The Cutty Sark, now a memorial to seafarers killed in the two world wars, would have passed the lighthouse on its maiden voyage from Dumbarton to London in 1869. Sea Change was inspired by the surrounding landscape with poetic resonances on loss and memory; the physical relationship between the horizontal and vertical and shifting horizons.

‘Full fathom five thy father lies…Nothing of him that doth fade, But doth suffer a sea- change’ Ariel’s song, The Tempest, 
William Shakespeare.

​Choreography - Lizzi Kew Ross in collaboration with Dancers
Dancers - Morrighan MacGillvray & Sam Kennedy 
Costume Designer - Sophie Donaldson
Composer - Josh Spear
Cameras and Editor - Roswitha Chesher
Producer - Martin Collins
Directors - Lizzi Kew Ross & Roswitha Chesher

Funders - Arts Council England

With thanks to - National Maritime Museum (Cutty Sark), Rob Young, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Trinity House & Trinity Laban

24 August

Silent Disco SkateJam & Street Food Festival